Student Referrals
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Student Services
777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
G Building 2nd Floor
Mon - Fri 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This page provides valuable information to support you in connecting a student with the appropriate office at Bristol, or in facilitating a connection with someone who can assist a student in a particular area. Referrals can be made to enhance students' academic growth, social-emotional development, and overall well-being, ensuring they receive the resources and support that will help them thrive.
Examples of referrals include:
- Changes to Program or Schedule.
- Academic Skills Support.
- Academic Planning for Transfer/Career.
- Academic Plans for SAP Appeals.
- Assistance Connecting with Other Resources.
- General Support.
To make a referral:
- Encourage the student to check Navigate 360 or the Navigate Student App to see their assigned advisor’s information and make an appointment with them.
- If the student does not have an advisor listed or if the student has an urgent enrollment need, students can go to drop-in advising hours.
Examples of referrals include:
- Disability-Related Academic Accommodations.
- Assistive Technology.
- Service Animals.
To make a referral:
- If the student is not already connected with the Office of Accessibility & Disability Services, encourage them to complete the Disability Disclosure Form.
- If the student is already connected with the Office of Accessibility & Disability Services, encourage them to connect with their assigned Learning Specialist.
Examples of referrals include:
- Housing or Food Insecurity.
- Chronic or Persistent Poverty.
- Aging Out of Foster Care.
- SNAP Assistance.
- Legal Referrals.
- Fuel Assistance.
- Childcare Referrals.
- Transportation.
- CARE Fund.
- Family Planning Referrals.
- Menstrual and Personal Care Items.
- Support for Undocumented Students.
To make a referral:
- Complete the SOAR Team Referral form.
- Contact Basic Needs Support at
Examples of referrals include:
- Current or Past Trauma.
- Anxiety.
- Depression or Sadness.
- Interpersonal and Relationship Issues.
- Feelings of Being Overwhelmed.
To make a referral:
- Complete the SOAR Team Referral form.
- Encourage the student to contact Mental Health Counseling at
Examples of referrals include:
- Food insecurity
To make a referral:
- Encourage the student to visit the Bristol Mobile Food Market webpage and pre-register for the next market.
- Complete the SOAR Team Referral form.
Examples of referrals include:
- Transfer Exploration.
- Common App Assistance.
- Career Exploration & Assessment.
- Resume & Cover Letter Assistance.
- Job Interview Support.
- Job Search Strategy.
- Professional Networking.
To make a referral:
- Encourage the student to email:
- Transfer Services at
- Career Services at or schedule an appointment on the Career Services webpage.
Examples of referrals include:
To make a referral:
- Contact Denny Cosmo, Director of the Joseph A. Marshall Veterans Center at
Examples of referrals include:
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP/Financial Aid) Appeals.
- Late Withdrawal & Tuition Appeals.
- Student Absence Notifications.
- Student Grievances & Grade Appeals.
- Student Conduct Concerns.
- SOAR Team Referrals.
- Transfer Certification Reports.
- Discrimination & Harassment Complaints.
To make a referral:
- Encourage the student to contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Services & Enrollment Management at
This process is for faculty to use to report on academic performance concerns about a student to that student’s advisor.
To enter an alert, log into Navigate 360 (available on your myBristol home page), search the student’s name (or find them in your “assigned students” list), check the box next to their name, then select “Issue alert” from the Actions menu and complete the form.
This process is for faculty to report on student academic performance at the midpoint of the semester. Academic advisors will initiate the progress report campaign process via Navigate 360. Faculty will get an email notification that will link them to the Navigate 360 page where they can enter information about their students’ academic performance, including flagging any major academic concerns around attendance, grades, or assignment completion.
Faculty and staff may complete and submit the Student Conduct form to document and report student behavior that possibly violates the Student Code of Conduct. The completed form will go to Bristol’s Chief Student Conduct Officer in the Office of the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management (SSEM) for review and case management.
Students may complete and submit the Late Withdrawal, Late Drop, and/or Tuition Appeal form to request:
- A late withdrawal, or a request to withdraw from a course or courses after the published withdrawal deadline due to extenuating circumstances that occurred during the semester or session and prevented the student from successfully completing the course(s).
- A late drop, or a request to have a course removed from their transcript due to institutional error.
- A tuition appeal, or a request a refund, credit, or waiver of the student’s outstanding balance due to extenuating circumstances that occurred during the semester/session and prevented the student from successfully completing the course.
Students must include appropriate documentation of the situation with their request. The completed form will go to the Associate Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) for approval. This form is also available in the Advising section of the student’s myBristol portal.
Students who have been notified that they are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in their degree program should complete and submit the SAP Appeal form to appeal their SAP finding by documenting the extenuating circumstances that interfered with their ability to meet SAP standards. Students must include appropriate documentation of the situation with their request and must also meet with an academic advisor to complete an Academic Plan as part of their appeal. The completed form will go to the Associate Vice President for Student Services (or their designee) for approval. This form is also available in the Advising section of the student’s myBristol portal.
Students who will be absent for more than three (3) consecutive class meetings may complete and submit the Student Absence Notification Request form to request that a Student Absence Notification be sent by the Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management (SSEM) to their faculty members. Note that it is up to the professor’s discretion as to whether to excuse absences or missing classwork. This form is also available in the Advising section of the student’s myBristol portal.
Students who believe their final grade in a course is the subject of an error or injustice may complete and submit the Course Grade Appeal. Prior to submitting a formal appeal, students must attempt to informally resolve the alleged issue with their faculty member. This form is also available in the Grades section of the student’s myBristol portal.
Students may complete and submit the Student Complaint/Grievance form to address alleged violations of their student rights. The full procedure may be found on the Mass Community College Student Grievance Procedure page. The completed form will go to the College’s Student Grievance Officer for review and processing. This form should not be used for grade appeals; use the Course Grade Appeal form to report those concerns. This form is also available in the Advising section of the student’s myBristol portal.
Faculty, staff, and students may complete and submit the SOAR Reporting Form to share behavioral and or academic concerns outside of an early alert or student progress report. The College SOAR (Student Outreach, Assistance & Retention) Team will review the information, take appropriate action, and follow up with the reporting party. This form should not be used to report allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination, or sexual violence; use the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form to report those concerns.
Students may complete and submit the CARE Fund Request form to ask for financial support to help remove barriers to success. Students must include appropriate documentation of the circumstances for their request to be considered.
Current and prospective faculty, staff, and students may use the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form to register a complaint of prohibited conduct including discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on sex, race, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, age, sexual preference, gender identity, veteran status and all other classifications protected under federal and Massachusetts law. The completed form will go to Bristol’s Chief Human Resources Officer for review and investigation.
Students may complete and submit the Biographical Data form to update their Bristol record to reflect a chosen name, personal pronoun, and gender identity. The completed form will be sent to and processed by the Registrar’s Office. This form is also available in the Student Resources section of the student’s myBristol portal.
Students may bring their College Report/Verification form to the Office of the Vice President of Student Services and Enrollment Management (SSEM) to have the College’s Student Conduct Officer sign off on it ahead of the student transferring to a different institution.