The Mentorship Program pairs seasoned Bristol staff members with newly hired employees to assist with the transition to Bristol or to a new position at the college. The 9-month program will meet from January 2024 until August 2024. 

Minimum Mentor Eligibility:

Mentors must meet the following requirements

  • Staff member.
  • Two years of service at Bristol as of December 1, 2023.
  • Must be an employee in good standing and received a satisfactory rating on the last two years of performance evaluations. 

Minimum Mentee Eligibility:

Mentees must meet the following requirements

  • Staff Member.
  • Less than two years at Bristol or in current position as of December 1, 2023.

Program Roles

Mentee:  Mentees will share their skills and goals along with their concerns, and what areas they wish to learn more at Bristol or in their current role.

Mentor:  Mentors will share their professional and organizational knowledge, and experience, while serving as a sounding board or assisting with questions or concerns the mentee may have.

Application Requirements

Potential Mentees Potential Mentors
  • Once application has been approved, self-enroll in Blackboard course for program.
  • Questionnaires, articles, discussion and feedback will be available in the E-Learning course space.
  • Once application has been approved, self-enroll in Blackboard course for program.
  • Questionnaires, articles, discussion and feedback will be available in the E-Learning course space.


Program Components

  • All applicants:  (mentees and mentors) will be notified of their status by January 5, 2024.
  • Orientation:  Friday, January 26, 2024 - All matched pairs attend an orientation to learn about their roles and responsibilities, meet their match, and have lunch.
  • Meetings:  Friday, January 26, 2024 - All matched pairs attend an orientation to learn about their roles and responsibilities, meet their match, and have lunch.
  • 1st meeting:  Review Mentorship questionnaire to discuss goals and outcomes. Share in E-Learning goals and desired outcomes from the program.
  • Mentor/Mentee Check in:  March 2024: Pairs will meet collectively as a group to share their experiences and how things are going with the program.
  • Online course space - will be utilized for discussion, sharing ideas, feedback, and connecting. A monthly discussion question with articles will be posted to share ideas and increase participation.
  • Focus Groups/Feedback:  throughout the program, feedback forms, and brief focus group meetings will be conducted to help with program improvement.
  • “End of Year Reflection” – Mentor/Mentee debrief on the goals they developed at their first meeting to determine successes or continued needs. Share in E-Learning their successes and challenges.
  • End of year Mentor/Mentee Celebration and Award Ceremony:  August 2024: Pairs will meet collectively as a group to share their experiences and how things are going with the program.