Online Store
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Marketing & Communications
777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Looking for school spirit products?
Our online store is designed to be your one stop school spirit shop! There is a wide variety of promotional products available for you to chose the perfect item for your department’s needs. All items in the store are available with minimum quantity requirements, in colors that adhere to Bristol’s brand guidelines and are printed with Bristol brand logos.
We would like to provide further details on why we are moving away from putting department names, programs and events on Bristol merchandise. In reviewing the requests that have come through in the past several years, we have determined that there is greater value in having a strong brand and not diluting it with multiple variations. It is also more versatile, interchangeable and can be used throughout the year.
To gain more awareness about your department and what it has to offer to students, we suggest that you include a handout with the item in addition to promoting your department through our usual channels. The Marketing & Communications is always happy to assist.
When using the online store:
- Your selections will generate a request for a quote. The quote is used in unity with the online procurement system.
- All orders require a completed requisition through the online procurement system. A "signed by you" quote from the online store must accompany the requisition.
- Using the site is only the first step to completing an order. The order goes into process upon approval and completion of the purchase order.
- The purchase order is sent directly to the vendor from purchasing and a pink Payment Release Form is sent to you. Once the vendor receives the purchase order from our purchasing department, the vendor generates an art proof which will also be sent to you via email. The art proof requires your approval before proceeding.
- An approval response from you sends the order into production. Orders will be shipped directly to you through our shipping and receiving department. Delivery may take 3-4 weeks.
- Upon receiving the ordered goods, the Payment Release Form should be signed by you and returned to purchasing to confirm receipt of the goods and releases the invoice for payment. Payment is handled directly by the Accounts Payable office.
Now your order is complete and you can distribute the goods and continue promoting the college with pride! Go Bayhawks!
Not finding what you are looking for?
If you are looking for a “special order” outside of Bristol branding, please contact Lisa Parsons in the Marketing & Communications Department by email at or by calling 774.357.2169.
The site requires minimum orders, designed to meet department bulk buying needs. As always, our on-campus Bristol Bookstore, located in C Building on the Fall River Campus, offers high quality Bristol merchandise, with a large variety of selections. The bookstore staff is available to help you with your selections during bookstore hours. We encourage you to visit them often!
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