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Human Resources
fax: 508.730.3278

777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.



Bristol Community College has a wide variety of offices that provide services to students who need help inside and outside. We are providing links to many of these services below. More will be added as services increase and change.

Library Learning Commons


Students who access academic support systems are more likely to succeed in college. The Library Learning Commons (LLC) at Bristol offers dynamic academic support services for all students, in every discipline, at every level. Our mission is to provide all Bristol students with the support, access to content, and knowledge to learn independently, follow their own curiosity, and collaborate effectively with others.

The Library Learning Commons offers research assistance, writing and subject tutoring, entry-level support for navigating online courses, and academic mentoring. 

While accessing research support, students will work closely with academic librarians to locate credible sources of information and understand the importance of scholarly research. While using the Writing Center, students will work with writing tutors to outline papers, understand the writing process, and enhance their critical reading skills. Both the Writing Center and the librarians can help with developing research questions and citing sources properly.

Subject-specific support spans a range of formats: students can access drop-in or appointment-based tutoring across a wide array of subjects, or they may be in a course that offers an embedded tutor or peer-learning assistant. In courses containing these specialized tutor types, out-of-class sessions are held to help students review material and/or direct their own learning. 

In addition to these services, the Library Learning Commons also provides the materials and spaces needed for studying. We support students with access to calculators, laptops, textbooks, and research material, as well as housing the Rogers Cyber Café (Fall River Campus) and other spaces for computing and printing. Students may also reserve study rooms in Attleboro, Fall River, and New Bedford.

Additional information about the Library Learning Commons and access to the resources and services available here: Academic Support Services.

Writing Center

Bristol Community College’s Writing Center offers assistance to students (and faculty) hoping to improve their writing skills and their documents for in-class and out-of-class uses. The link to the webpage above provides more information about the Writing Center, including ways to make appointments with writing tutors.

Course Reserves

Bristol Community College’s Library Learning Commons helps faculty members to both request that the library purchases important books and materials and to place materials on course reserve. A guide to Bristol’s Course Reserve services can be found here: guide to Course Reserves. Bristol’s Course Reserves home page is here: Course Reserves page


Bristol Community College supports faculty members who are trying to integrate Open Educational Resources or other cost-saving measures for students. Bristol’s Library Learning Commons has developed an OER LibGuide for interested faculty members. 


Bristol’s Bookstore helps students locate the books and materials they need to succeed at Bristol. Please note that this link takes you to the Bristol Bookstore page. You can also do your Book Orders through Follett Discover

Basic Needs 

Bristol provides many services to help our students (and sometimes our employees) address their basic needs. Basic needs can include food, housing, transportation, wellness, and support for other unexpected personal needs. Student and Family Engagement is available to help connect students to immediate basic needs information and community resources. Visit the Bristol Basic Needs Center for available services. We also have links to specific services below. 

Office of Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) provides you and your diverse population of students with disabilities with a full range of advocacy and learning services. ODS can help you provide access to services and programs in the most integrated setting possible. Learn more about these services at the Disability Services website. 

Health Services

Bristol's Health Services provides a range of services to promote Student Wellness at all college locations. The Student Health Center is located on the first floor of E Building (E104), adjacent to the Women's Center and the Veteran's Center. The Student Health Center is operated by the Coordinator of Health Services, who is a Registered Nurse and a member of Bristol's Student Wellness team. Services offered include immunization record management, health education, first aid, free HIV/STI testing, pregnancy testing, a private area to rest, and a private lactation space. All services provided to Bristol students by Health Services are free and confidential. More information is available on Bristol’s Health Services page. 

Student Services 

Commonwealth Honors Program

The Commonwealth Honors Program (CHP) at Bristol offers tremendous opportunities now, and in the future, for highly motivated students looking to challenge themselves intellectually.

Title IX

Bristol Community College is committed to providing all employees, students, and third parties with prompt, fair, and impartial investigations of all complaints and allegations of harassment and discrimination. Complaints should be submitted online HERE

Student Handbook

We are providing a link to the Student Handbook so that you can see the information our students are being provided concerning Bristol’s policies and resources.

Student Complaints 

No matter how hard we try, sometimes we do not meet our students’ and families’ expectations of us. When that happens, we want to know more about it so we can investigate as soon as possible. If a student comes to you with a concern that you cannot address, send them to this website: Student Complaints.