Whether you've already been admitted to Bristol or are starting at step one, we are here to help you get enrolled for Fall 2024. Follow the path that fits your situation below to learn about admissions events for you at Bristol Community College.

I haven't applied to Bristol yet.

Campus Tours & Information Sessions

Attend a campus tour/infosession to see how Bristol can help with your educational and career goals. Click here to view dates and register for an information session.

On-the-Spot Workshop

Monday, Aug. 12, 4 to 7 p.m.

Get it done, all in one! With On-the-Spot Workshops, Bristol's admissions and financial aid teams make it easy to sign up for college.

ApplicationsGet help completing the admissions and financial aid applications.
EnrollmentCheck off important enrollment items such as placement testing and new student orientation.
Credit EvalsReceive a transfer credit evaluation of any previously completed college credit.

So that we can better serve you, we strongly recommend reviewing the information below, and registering for this event in advance.

To complete the admissions application, you will need your official high school or state-approved high school equivalency transcripts.

To complete the FAFSA for the Fall 2024 semester, please bring your 2022 tax documents to aid you in this process. Learn more about Financial Aid here. 

Information you should bring:

  • Your (the student) information.
  • If you are a dependent student, your parent information.
  • If you are married, your spouse information.

Parent information is not needed if:

  • You are married.
  • You are a veteran or serving in the armed services.
  • Both your parents are deceased.
  • You have a child and you provide more than 50% of their support.
  • You are in foster care or have been a ward of the court at any time since you turned age 13.
  • You are in the custody of a legally-appointed guardian.
  • You have dependents other than a child and provide more than 50% of their support.
  • You are a legally emancipated minor (must have court documents).
  • For enrollment beginning Fall 2024, you were born before January 1, 2001.

Tax and Income Information

  • 2022 income information is needed to complete forms for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025 enrollment.
  • W-2 Forms (student, parent, spouse).
  • Signed and filed federal tax return Form 1040 (student, parent, spouse).
  • Verification of any other income received – Unemployment, SSI, SSDI, TANF, etc.(student, parent, spouse).
  • Current savings and checking account amounts (student, parent, spouse).
  • Asset information (student, parent, spouse).
  • FSA ID - this is your username and password that you create at studentaid.gov. It is how you will electronically sign the FAFSA, and how you will access all Federal Student Aid websites. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you are a dependent applicant, your parent will also need his/her own FSA ID. 


I have been admitted to Bristol.

Destination Registration

Designed for students that have been admitted to Bristol and are ready to register for classes, these events will help you complete the registration process, including completing orientation, meeting with an advisor to select your classes, confirming your financial aid status and more. Visit BristolCC.edu/RegistrationDays to see dates and sign up.


New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation is an important step to set you up for success in college. Attendance at orientation is mandatory for all newly admitted students (including students who have attended Bristol previously).  After completing the New Student Orientation, you’ll receive an assigned academic advisor and details on how to book your first appointment.  Until then, you will be unable to register (sign-up) for classes. Visit BristolCC.edu/Orientation to access orientation.