President's Approved Goals 2020-2021
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President's Office
777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Select a 2020-2021 strategy box below for details:
Strategy I: Academic Innovation
Objective 1
Create pathways from noncredit offerings to credit programs.
Conduct a needs assessment/process review for Adult Education, including ESOL students
with regards to enrolling and succeeding in credit programs, developing actions to
address barriers as needed.
Objective 2
Increase accessibility and convenience for students by offering a broader variety of learning modalities to meet students’ personal and educational needs.
Develop and distribute surveys for faculty and students regarding their preferences
for and satisfaction with online education at Bristol, resulting in a set of actions
to improve online learning.
Objective 3
Ensure student exposure to High Impact Practices (HIPs) in all certificate and degree programs.
Generate a list of institutionally approved HIPs and identify subject matter experts for each HIP to assist with training and coaching.
Develop a plan to increase the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) across all
programs at the college and to increase our participation in the Prior Learning Assessment
(PLA) consortium.
Objective 4
Fully realize and then assess the proactive advising model.
Conduct an in-depth assessment of the proactive advising model, making adjustments
as needed.
Objective 5
Increase adjunct faculty/instructor engagement to promote innovation and foster effective collaboration among college staff and faculty.
Create professional development opportunities specifically designed for and by adjunct faculty.
Strategy II: Equity and Student Success
Objective 1
Advance an inclusive college culture grounded in equity-mindedness.
Define how diversity, equity and inclusion are viewed at Bristol and align with the Dept. of Higher Ed equity agenda to ensure and embed those definitions throughout the institution, including the creation of an institutional "Equity Statement.”
Conduct a diversity, equity and inclusion assessment, including but not limited to
focus groups with employees and students to better understand how diversity, equity
and inclusion are experienced at Bristol, resulting in an action plan for addressing
Objective 2
Recruit, retain and develop a diverse community of employees.
Provide training on unconscious bias, racism, equity and inclusion to all interview
Objective 3
Increase the student conversion rates, from outreach to enrollment, with specific attention to under-represented groups.
Systematically review and redefine our entire student onboarding process from enrollment
to registration and financial aid to ensure that we addressing accessibility and closing
equity gaps that may exist in the process.
Objective 4
Assess existing programs and implement new innovative and evidence-based initiatives geared toward closing equity gaps.
Redefine the process, roles and structures within the key groups on campus already involved in equity work to set goals and work plans for their areas (outreach, SSEM, advising support, HR, Multi-Cultural, Women’s Center, Veterans Center, TRIO, LSAMP, Step-Up to College, etc.).
Strategy III: Organizational Excellence
Objective 1
Align the existing culture of the organization with our core values.
Create an employee recognition program that highlights exceptional demonstrations of institutional values.
Create a cross-functional directory tool that updates "who does what" at the college
to foster better inter-department communication and support for staff, faculty and
Objective 2
Increase digital literacy among all Bristol students.
Create an assessment model for measuring student's digital literacy. Use the student digital literacy scale as a guide for development.
Provide training to students to increase their core digital literacy skills needed
to successfully complete the course work based on their initial assessment scores.
Objective 3
Increase efficiency and equity-mindedness through process improvements across the college.
Identify methodology and schedule for conducting business process reviews, ensuring
review is completed through an equity lens. (Include equity component into existing
CAS Review.)
Objective 4
Create a professional development program designed to build employees' competencies to foster growth and meet strategic objectives.
Implement a process for assessing employees' training and development needs and create
annual plans to address those particular needs.
Objective 5
Create a process where organizational resources are appropriately allocated to align strategic priorities while supporting and maximizing alternative sources of funding.
Review the current budgeting process and consider refining the process to emphasize the allocation of resources to strategic priorities.
Strategy IV: Partnerships
Objective 1
Increase post-secondary educational attainment in Bristol County over four years.
Create a task force to identify innovative ways of reaching more individuals in Bristol
Objective 2
Increase the number of students enrolling at Bristol through non-traditional pathways.
Work with community-based organizations to recruit and enroll more students into ESL
and ESOL programs.
Objective 3
Strengthen existing industry and community partnerships and align offerings with local needs.
Conduct an audit to identify and compile information on all institutional partnerships
with industry and community organizations.
Objective 4
Increase transfer rate of students to four-year institutions.
Review the process associated with transfer pathways and communicate available transfer pathways for all students seeking a bachelor's degree.