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MassTransfer Schools

MassTransfer seeks to reward community college students who complete associate degrees at Massachusetts community colleges before they enroll in linked bachelor’s programs at Massachusetts state universities or University of Massachusetts campuses.

Get Started with MassTransfer

  1. Choose an A2B (Associate to Bachelor's) Mapped Pathway.
  2. Contact Bristol's Advising office to enroll and begin classes.

To learn how specific courses at Bristol transfer to each MassTransfer institution, click here for the MassTransfer Course Equivalency Database.

Program Transfer Agreements

Bridgewater State Course Equivalency Guide


Apply for BCC2BSU, complete your associate degree at Bristol and then you will transfer into BSU automatically as a junior, without providing an essay or paying a fee. Participate in Bridgewater campus events and use Bridgewater services, including advising, facilities, and study abroad programs, while earning your associate degree.


Contact Information

Brad Walker, Transfer Services Advisor

Bridgewater State University Transfer Central 

To view Brad's availability and schedule an appointment, please read the options below: 


Bridgewater State University now offers several new merit scholarships to qualified transfer students. You will automatically be considered for a merit scholarship during the admission evaluation process. Eligibility for merit scholarships is based on your recalculated cumulative GPA from all previous college transcripts. If you are an admitted transfer with 23 credits or less, you will be considered for our first-year scholarships. For more information, please visit Bridgewater State's Transfer Merit Scholarships page here.

Please visit the Bristol Foundation Scholarships page to apply for a full-ride scholarship to BSU.

Contact Information

Joanna Lenfest, MA, CAGS, Assistant Director, Transfer Admission
Westfield State University
333 Western Avenue
PO Box 1630
Westfield, MA 01085

Phone: 413.572.8727

Contact Information

Kevin Van Develde, Transfer Counselor
413.545.4292 |

UMass Amherst Main Transfer Page 
UMass Amherst Appointment Link 
UMass Amherst Transfer Equivalency Database 
UMass Amherst Transfer Events and Visit Information


Click here for more information on any of UMass Amherst's Scholarship offerings.

Community Scholarship and Award

The Community Scholarship and Award is offered to in-state applicants who are low-income and/or who are first-generation college attendees. The scholarship committee takes into consideration a student's academic record and level of academic challenge; however, the review also includes factors such as school activities, community service, and work experience. This scholarship or award may be combined with a tuition credit.

  • Award application: None required
  • Notification: Admissions Office will notify recipients at the time of acceptance
  • Renewal requirement: maintain the minimum requirements of satisfactory academic progress (see the Academic Regulations published by the University Registrar)
  • Renewable up to an aggregate total of four years (eight semesters) of continuous full-time undergraduate enrollment

Flagship Award

The Flagship Award is offered to in-state applicants who are low-income and/or who are first-generation college attendees. The scholarship committee takes into consideration a student's academic record and level of academic challenge; however, the review also includes factors such as school activities, community service, and work experience. This scholarship or award may be combined with a tuition credit.

  • Award application: None required
  • Notification: Admissions Office will notify recipients at the time of acceptance
  • Renewal requirement: maintain the minimum requirements of satisfactory academic progress (see the Academic Regulations published by the University Registrar)
  • Renewable up to an aggregate total of four years (eight semesters) of continuous full-time undergraduate enrollment

Honors-to-Honors Scholarship

The Honors-to-Honors Scholarship is for Massachusetts community college honors students entering the UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College. Students must be in an approved MassTransfer program and are encouraged to complete their community college honors program. Students who do not complete their honors program and who have a 3.5 GPA for each semester completed (two or more semesters), who are in approved MassTransfer programs, and who meet all other UMass Amherst transfer admissions criteria will also be considered. To receive the award students must accept the invitation to be in Commonwealth Honors College. This scholarship may be combined with a tuition credit.

The award is for residents of Massachusetts who are low-income or first-generation students. The award amount is $6,000 per year for two consecutive years (or four semesters). Recipients will be selected by a scholarship committee made up of faculty and staff from Academic Affairs and Commonwealth Honors College. The scholarship committee takes into consideration a student's academic record and level of academic challenge; however, the review also includes factors such as school activities, community service, field of study, and work experience.

  • Award application: The application is optional, but encouraged. Contact the Admissions Office for an application form.
  • Notification: Admissions Office will notify recipients at the time of acceptance.
  • Renewal requirement: maintain the minimum requirements of satisfactory academic progress (see the Academic Regulations published by the University Registrar).
  • Renewable up to an aggregate total of two years (four semesters) of continuous full-time undergraduate enrollment.

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Information

Eileen Curtin, Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 
617.287.6126 |

UMass Boston Main Transfer Page 
UMass Boston Appointment Link 
UMass Boston Transfer Equivalency Database 
UMass Boston Transfer Events and Visit Information


Please visit the Bristol Foundation Scholarships page to apply for a full-ride scholarship to University of Massachusetts Boston.

Program Transfer Agreements

UMass Dartmouth Course Equivalency Guide

UMassD Business Fast Track

Earn both an associate and a bachelor’s degree in business in three years. 



By applying and being accepted to UMassD, you'll automatically be considered for the following scholarships

Chancellor's Transfer Scholarship – $5000

To automatically be considered for this scholarship, students must:

  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher at the time of application.

The scholarship is valid for a total of three years (six semesters) as long as student remains full time (12 day credits) each semester and maintains a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

If the student drops below full time (less than 12 day credits) per semester and/or falls below the required 3.0 GPA, the scholarship is permanently forfeited.

Online & Continuing Education courses and charges are not covered by this program. The award may be decreased based on final institutional and direct charges or change to a student’s cost of attendance (including but not limited to tuition, room, board, and /or any applicable fees) and will not be refunded.

Dean's Transfer Scholarship – $3000 to $4000

To automatically be considered for this scholarship, students must:

  • have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.
    • Cumulative GPA between 3.25 - 3.49: $4000.
    • Cumulative GPA between 3.0 - 3.24: $3000.

The scholarship is valid for a total of three years (six semesters) as long as student remains full time (12 day credits) each semester and maintains a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

If the student drops below full time (less than 12 day credits) per semester and/or falls below the required 3.0 GPA, the scholarship is permanently forfeited.

Online & Continuing Education courses and charges are not covered by this program. The award may be decreased based on final institutional and direct charges or change to a student’s cost of attendance (including but not limited to tuition, room, board, and /or any applicable fees) and will not be refunded.

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Award – $1000

To automatically be considered for this scholarship, students must:

  • students must be an active member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and submit a copy of their Membership Certificate to the Admissions Office.
  • have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher at the time of application.

The scholarship is valid for a total of three years (six semesters) as long as student remains full time (12 day credits) each semester and maintains a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

If the student drops below full time (less than 12 day credits) per semester and/or falls below the required 3.0 GPA, the scholarship is permanently forfeited.

Online & Continuing Education courses and charges are not covered by this program. The award may be decreased based on final institutional and direct charges or change to a student’s cost of attendance (including but not limited to tuition, room, board, and /or any applicable fees) and will not be refunded.

Please visit UMass Dartmouth's website for more information.

UMass Lowell Course Equivalency Guide

Contact Information

Barbara Lang, Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions 
978.934.5201978.934.3931 | or

UMass Lowell Transfer Equivalency Database 
UMass Lowell Transfer Events and Visit Information


UMass Lowell's Online & Professional Studies division is now offering scholarships specifically for graduates from MA Community Colleges! Recent graduates are automatically eligible for a $125 off tuition for each course at UMass Lowell if they’re admitted and enrolled with Online & Professional Studies. This scholarship is available to any student who has earned an Associate's degree with at least a 3.00 cumulative GPA. As long as the student maintains a 3.00 GPA at UMass Lowell, their scholarship will renew each semester for up to 10 semesters or the completion of 60 UMass Lowell credits.

Visit UMass Lowell's page for community college transfer students for more information.

MassTransfer General Education Foundation

MassTransfer provides any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system who completes the General Education Foundation with the benefit of satisfying the general education/distribution/core requirements at any other public higher education institution (with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits or two courses). For more information on the General Education Foundation click here.

Courses Credits
English Composition/Writing 6 credit hours  
Behavioral and/or Social Sciences 9 credit hours
Humanities and/or Fine Arts 9 credit hours
Natural and/or Physical Science 7 credit hours
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning 3 credit hours
Total 34 credit hours

The MassTransfer General Education Foundation refers to a set of core (general education) requirements, consisting of 34 college-level credits. These credits, when completed together with a 2.0 or higher GPA, fully transfer to any Massachusetts public higher education institution, even if you don't have your associate's degree. These credits also satisfy the core (general education) requirements at any other Massachusetts public higher education institution, with the receiving institution being able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses.

Courses Credits
English Composition/Writing 6 credit hours  
Behavioral and/or Social Sciences 6 credit hours
Humanities and/or Fine Arts 6 credit hours
Natural and/or Physical Science 7 credit hours
Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning 3 credit hours
Total 28 credit hours

The MassTransfer General Education Foundation STEM Block refers to a set of core (general education ) requirements, consisting of 28 college-level credits. Students must obtain an associate degree to qualify for this program and must be in a STEM A2B Mapped Pathway (Computer Science, Biology, Environmental, Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics). The 28-credit STEM Gen Ed Foundation Block allows community college students to take more STEM courses while earning their associate degrees. Bridgewater requires a spoken communication, logical reasoning, Behavioral or Social Science and Humanities or Fine Arts. Students who satisfy this requirement through transfer credits do not have to take additional courses.

Non-MassTransfer Schools

Non-MassTransfer schools include Massachusetts private universities, and universities outside of Massachusetts.

Contact Information

Office of Undergraduate AdmissionAcademic Year Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Summer Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Phone: 781.891.2244; 1.800.523.2354Fax: 781.891.3414Email:

Bentley Appointment Link
Bentley Transfer Equivalency Database
Bentley Transfer Events and Visit Information

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Information

Tabitha Marsden, Senior Assistant Director of Transfer Admission
Schedule a Virtual Meeting

Bryant Admission Events and Campus Visits

Academic or Merit-Based Scholarships

Bryant University will guarantee an academic scholarship of at least $19,000 to students enrolled full-time at Bristol Community College**.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Acceptance to Bryant University as a full-time student.
  • Completion of an Associate degree.
  • Enrolled as a full-time student while at Bristol.
  • Recent graduate from Bristol with a minimum GPA of 3.0.*

*If students were enrolled in any prior college or university before Bristol, the cumulative GPA would need to be at least a 3.0 with all prior college transcripts/grades.

**There is no separate application for academic scholarships. An application for admission to Bryant University will also evaluate scholarship opportunities.

Bryant University Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

To be considered, you must be a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. An additional $2,500 scholarship will be added to the admission offer.

Bryant University Presidential Merit Scholarship

Bryant University has expanded its scholarship support to outstanding Bristol transfer students. They will guarantee an academic scholarship of $25,000 to students enrolled full-time at Bristol Community College**:

  • Acceptance to Bryant University as a full-time student.
  • Completion of an Associate degree.
  • Enrolled as a full-time student while at Bristol.
  • Recent graduate from Bristol with a minimum GPA of 4.0.*

*If students were enrolled in any prior college or university before Bristol, the cumulative GPA would need to be at least a 4.0 with all prior college transcripts/grades.

**There is no separate application for academic scholarships. An application for admission to Bryant University will also evaluate scholarship opportunities.

Contact Information

Clark University Transfer Applicant Information.


Top consideration for Clark’s merit scholarships goes to admitted students who have excelled in secondary school and college and whose academic achievement and personal qualities indicate they will perform at the highest level when they enroll at the University.

Keep in mind that:

  • Decisions about which scholarship, if any, you will receive will be based on your academic qualifications (those indicated on your application for admission), not on your family’s financial need.
  • If you are awarded a merit scholarship, you will be notified when you receive your admissions decision.
  • If you receive a scholarship, but your financial need is greater than the amount of your scholarship, you may be eligible for additional assistance through a combination of grants, loans and work-study. Read more about need-based financial aid.
  • To be considered, you must be transferring to Clark from any two- or four-year institution.
  • If you have not completed a full year of college credit, your high school record also will be considered.
  • You must have submitted your Clark admission application with all supporting credentials by the transfer application deadline.

Clark University Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Information

For students with last names starting with A-K
Arielle DelFino |

For students with last names starting with L-Z

Myra Traylor |

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Information

Lily Nardozzi, Assistant Director of Admissions & Coordinator of Transfer Recruitment | 717.361.1162


Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Information

Nick Washburn, Senior Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admission
617.824.8451 |

Emerson Appointment Link

Emerson Transfer Equivalency Resource

Emerson Transfer Events and Visit Information


Emerson College Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

To be considered eligible to apply for this $5,000 award, students must earn an associate degree with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 from an accredited community college and be an official member in good standing of Phi Theta Kappa. The PTK scholarship is limited to fall term enrollment and students must have a complete transfer application submitted by March 15.

Students who apply for the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship must plan to enroll full-time at Emerson College and complete their degree in five or fewer semesters. While enrolled at Emerson, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to continue to receive this scholarship.

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details

Barbara DiSaia, Admissions Representative
Office: 401.954.2007 Text: 401.340.2253 |

Johnson & Wales Appointment Link

Johnson & Wales Transfer Events and Visit Information

Contact Details

RN-BSN Information, please contact:
Jim Reczek
617.322.3536 |

(BSN program is designed for students who already have their RN license. It consists of 49 credits and students are eligible to transfer in up to 18 additional credits (statistics and upper-level arts and science classes preferred for transfer credit.)

For all other information, please contact:
617.322.3575 |

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details

Jennine Tambio
Office: 617.349.8428 |
Schedule with me:

Web Resources:

Lesley Appointment Link 
Lesley Transfer Events and Visit Information

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details 

Adonica Williams, Senior Recruiter  -  I'm easily available for 1:1 sessions, information, or help applying.
Bachelor’s Degree Completion – College of Professional Studies
Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs
Experiential Learning
Full-time Co-op & Part time Co-op
XN Project

Scholarships – up to $15,000 awarded with application decision

Scholarships (College of Professional Studies)

  • Applicants are automatically considered for scholarships.
  • Eligible students receive a scholarship offer upon admission when they apply (no fee to apply).
  • Maximum of $10,000.
  • Scholarship can support full time and part time students.
  • Scholarships to support domestic and international students.
  • See specific scholarship details on websites linked below.

Professional Advancement Scholarships: Scholarships are awarded to deserving students who have been admitted to a College of Professional Studies program. To be eligible for award, applicants must have earned a minimum of 40 transferable college credits and a 3.0 GPA. Awards typically range from $6,000 to $10,000.
Lowell Institute School Scholarships: Scholarships worth up to $10,000 are awarded to deserving students from New England who have been admitted into one of 11 qualifying Bachelor’s Completion programs. To be eligible for award, applicants must have earned a minimum of 20 transferable college credits and a 2.0 GPA.
Community College Scholarships: Scholarships of up to $8,000 are awarded to students with a conferred associate degree from one of our partner community colleges at the time of admission. Applicants must have maintained at least a 2.5 GPA and submitted a completed FAFSA to the Northeastern Student Financial Services Office. A list of our partner community colleges can be found on our community college transfer page.

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details

Quincy College Transfer Admissions Info

Contact Information

Rivier University Transfer Applicant Information.


In partnership with select community colleges, when you transfer credits from any New England community college, including Bristol Community College to an online bachelor’s program at Rivier University, you can receive a $2,000 scholarship. On-campus, full-time students can qualify for a scholarship up to $15,000!

Rivier offers a generous transfer credit policy, affordability and academic excellence. Read more about Rivier University transfer scholarships.

Rhode Island College Course Equivalency Guide

Bristol to RIC

Bristol Community College and Rhode Island College (RIC) have made it easy for students in transfer pathways by creating 2+2 plans for unique transfer opportunities between the two schools. 2+2 plans help a student maximize their community college credits to start at RIC as a junior. Click here for more information regarding the 2+2 plans.

Rhode Island College offers a tuition discount for Massachusetts residents through the Northeast Neighbors Tuition Program.

Contact Details

Brian Stevens, Academic Advisor
401.456.8234 |

Rhode Island College Transfer Scholar Awards

These awards range from $2,500 to $5,000 and are based on academic achievement as well as financial need. To be considered, an entering transfer student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 as determined by the college Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the time of acceptance. Eligibility is determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, using information from the FAFSA. Awards may be renewed for up to three years of study based on need and maintenance of a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Continuous, full-time enrollment is required.

Roger Williams University Course Equivalency Guide

Contact Details

Office of Admission: One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI
800.458.7144, X3500

Roger Williams Transfer Applicants 
Roger Williams Appointment Link 
Roger Williams Transfer Equivalency Database 
Roger Williams Transfer Events and Visit Information


Roger Williams University is deeply committed to community college students that want to obtain their bachelor’s degree. Transfer scholarships range from $7,500 to $10,500. Applicants with cumulative  GPAs starting at 2.75 will be considered for a scholarship. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 to retain scholarship eligibility and enroll as full-time day students to be eligible. For more information please contact Tom Durigan at

Contact Information

Salve Regina Transfer Applicant Information.

Salve Regina University Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

Salve Regina in Rhode Island is the latest four-year school to offer a transfer scholarship exclusively for Phi Theta Kappa members and it's a big one: $23,000 per year for residential students and $19,500 for commuter students!

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details

Simmons University Transfer Admission Information

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details

Cindie Sylvester, MS, Regional Director, Academic Alliances
603.665.7307 |

SNHU Main Transfer Page 
SNHU Appointment Link 
SNHU Transfer Flyer


Students who transfer to Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) with a conferred associate’s degree and who enroll in undergraduate programs online may receive a 10% tuition discount. Students that are transferring to SNHU with a conferred degree who want to take classes on SNHU's campus may receive a $2000 scholarship through the admission process. 

  • No application or transcript request fees.
  • Transfer up to 90 credits.
  • Free transfer credit evaluation.

See more details on this flyer and reach out to Cindie Sylvester at for more information. 

Contact Details

University of Maine Transfer Applicant Information.


For Massachusetts residents, scholarship amounts range from $15,083 to $3,700. Check out UMaine's updated transfer scholarship information on UMaine's Scholarship Web Page to learn more.

It's easy for students to apply using UMaine's mobile-friendly application, there is no application fee for transfer students and no additional scholarship application is needed.

We even have an Online Scholarship for MA students wishing to enroll full-time in one of UMaine’s three online degree programs:

  • Political Science.
  • Survey Engineering Technology.
  • Bachelor of University Studies (a flexible degree completion program).

Please feel free to contact us in the UMaine Admission Office if you have any questions about the transfer admission process at UMaine.

Contact Details

Wheaton College Transfer Applicant Information.


Wheaton College reviews all applicants for merit based scholarships. For transfer students these range in amount from $30,000 to $40,000 per year. We offer a dedicated $40,000 scholarship to Phi Theta Kappa members.

Program Transfer Agreements

Contact Details

Jenn Geuther, Senior Admissions Counselor

Schedule a 1:1 chat.
William James College Admissions
BS in Psychology and Human Services Program Info

One Wells Avenue, Newton, MA 02459
Office: 617.327.6777 x2292


Applicants from Bristol Community College are eligible for the $9,000 William James College Bachelor's Completion Scholarship.