


Offshore Wind Scholarship

Established in 2022, this scholarship covers the college fees for students who are pursuing either a certificate, an associate degree or a micro-credential in Bristol's Offshore Wind Program. The scholarship covers all classes for these degrees up...


Basil and Theresa Maravelas Memorial Scholarship

This endowed scholarship is for students demonstrate financial need. Preferences are given for African-American, Native American, Asian or Hispanic students.


Azhar Q. Mustafa, MD Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Azhar Q. Mustafa, a Fall River based physician and surgeon who was also passionate about orchids! This endowed scholarship is for students who are enrolled in Bristol's Nursing Program who demonstrate...


Art and Design Award

This merit-based award is for students who are studying arts and/or graphic design. The individual will be selected by the Graphic Arts Department based on their academic merit.


Argy Scholarship

This endowed scholarship is for student in the either an Engineering, Science, or Health Science Program. The student must be full-time (registered for at least 12 credits), demonstrate financial need and must possess a GPA of 3.0 or higher.