JED Campus at Bristol
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Mental Health Counseling
Fall River Campus
777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Please call 774.357.2760 or email for an appointment.
We are here to help.
Mental Health Counseling
Attleboro Campus
11 Field Road
Attleboro, MA 02703
Please call 774.357.2760 or email for an appointment.
We are here to help.
Mental Health Counseling
New Bedford Campus
800 Purchase Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Please call 774.357.2760 or email for an appointment.
We are here to help.
Mental Health Counseling
Taunton Center
2 Hamilton Street
Taunton, MA 02780
Please call 774.357.2760 or email for an appointment.
We are here to help.

Use Your Voice to Support Mental Health at Bristol
JED Campus is a signature program of The Jed Foundation which provides colleges and universities with expert support to protect student mental health. JED Campus is working with Bristol’s team to build upon our existing mental health, suicide prevention and substance use efforts using strategies that will create lasting change.
Join the JED Campus Task Force!
One of the first steps in collaboration with the JED Campus program was to create a team of college-wide stakeholders committed to improving the mental health and wellness of the Bristol community. The JED Campus Task Force collaborates with the JED Foundation over four years to implement the Mental Health Strategic Plan.
We want to hear from you! Students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in the JED Campus Task Force. Complete the JED Campus Interest Form and someone from the team will reach out.
More information about Bristol JED Campus
The Jed Foundation provides colleges and universities expert support, evidence-based best practices, and data-driven guidance to protect student mental health and prevent suicide.
JED Campus is a signature program of The Jed Foundation (JED) designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, program and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, substance use and suicide prevention efforts.
While Bristol Mental Health Counseling has utilized the JED Foundation for many years to bring critical information and resources to our students, in 2023, the college took this partnership to the next level by becoming a JED Campus.
The JED Campus Approach and Timeline
- School builds an interdisciplinary team to steer efforts across campus.
- School administers Healthy Minds Study (HMS) student survey.
- Team completes JED Campus Self-Assessment.
Strategic Planning
- JED reviews assessment responses and provides feedback.
- The JED team visits your campus.
- Team and JED develop a Strategic Plan.
- JED Campus advisor provides ongoing support to implement strategic plan.
- The JED Campus Playbook serves as an easy reference guide.
- JED Campus tracks and communicates progress of the strategic plan.
Learning Community
- Cross collaborate with other JED Campuses nationwide.
- JED Campus newsletters inform teams about emerging stories, resources and events to strengthen the work being done.
- School administers second HMS survey.
- The team completes the JED Campus post assessment.
- JED provides a summary analysis report on school progress.
- JED offers guidance on continuing the work of the team.
- The team sets goals for future work and improvement.
- School becomes a JED Campus alumni upon program completion.
Task Force Members
Jill Apicerno, Mental Health Counselor.
April Fonseca, Administrative Assistant I, Student Wellness.
Christen Antonio, Administrative Assistant II, Library Learning Commons.
Alison Brewer, Learning Specialist, Office of Disability Services.
Denny Cosmo, Director of Veterans Center.
Ren Deysher Fernández, Program Coordinator, Basic Need Support.
Will Duffy, Senior Special Programs Coordinator, Academic Innovation and Professional Development.
Joyce Fernandes, Adjunct Faculty, Arts and Humanities.
Andrea Fortier, Director of Marketing.
Alyssa Frezza, Academic Coordinator, Athletics and Recreation.
Marie Kacmarsky, Coordinator of Nursing Equity and Student Success.
Danielle Licitra, Director, Institutional Assessment.
Elisabetta Misuraca, Academic Coordinator, Advising.
Livia Neubert, Academic Coordinator, Arts and Humanities.
Melissa Rogers, Special Programs Coordinator, Multicultural Affairs.
Jennifer Sousa, Staff Associate, Information Technology Services.
- Identified and assessed existing mental health and wellness resources available at Bristol by completing Baseline Assessment.
- Implemented Healthy Minds pre-assessment survey to enrolled Bristol students (Spring 2024 semester), gauging student awareness of mental health resources on campus.
- Held student focus group to address mental health and wellness at Bristol.
- Conducted staff working group to further review, discuss, and assess Baseline Assessment and student focus group.
JED Mental Health Resource Center