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Human Resources
fax: 508.730.3278

777 Elsbree Street
Fall River, MA 02720
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.



Recognition Programs

There are two college awards for which you may nominate your colleagues:

Human Resources is excited to request nominations for the prestigious Sceptre & Scroll and Silver Shield Awards, to be submitted on or before Friday, February 14, 2025. Award recipients will be recognized at the Employee Recognition & Awards Ceremony on Friday, March 7, 2025. Please keep an eye out for more details on this event coming soon.

All nominations must be submitted via the Microsoft Forms links below. The nominator’s name and e-mail address will be automatically recorded.

For a nomination to be valid for each award, please follow these steps:

  • Answer all required questions on the form.
  • Submit one form per nominee, per award. Please note that these are individual awards (e.g. no group awards will be considered).
    • Please note: self-nominations and nominations from students will not be considered
  • If you would like a colleague to be considered for both awards, please submit a separate nomination form for each award.
  • Concentrate on specific achievements of the nominee that directly address the criteria in the award description.
    • For example, instead of writing “This nominee has worked at the college for 30 years,” you could write “This nominee has worked at the college for 30 years and in that time, has accomplished x, y, and z projects.”
    • The committee will only consider information submitted on the nomination form when determining if someone should receive an award. Be sure to include sufficient details to help them make their decision.

PLEASE NOTE: A nomination is not a guarantee of an award.

Sceptre & Scroll Award

The Sceptre & Scroll is awarded to individual employees of the Bristol community who have consistently provided exceptional college-wide service and/or leadership over a period of years. Recipients are installed in perpetuity in the Sceptre and Scroll Society. Employees who have been recipients of this prestigious award can be found below.

As of Feb 12 2024

G Adler 2013
Joyce Adler 1986
Carmen Aguilar 2014
David Allen 2008
Anne Allerdt 1991
Gina Almeida 2007
Nathaniel Amaral 2007
Carl Anctil 1998
D Anderson 2014
Fabienne Andrade 2009
Barbara Angelone 1984
Godwin Ariguzo 1990
Kelly Arruda 2007
Janelle Arruda 2000
Cheryl Arruda 1980
Kate Ashworth 2022
Daniel Asquino 1980
Alden Autumn 2023
Dan Avedikian 2018
J Avery 2012
Claudette Bachand 1999
Ann Bailey-Santerre 1982
Susan Baker 1980
R Bandarra 1975
A Banville 1975
Janice Baptist 1992
Patricia Barbosa 2022
Suzanne BeaudoinSr 1991
E Bedrick 1970
Bruce Belanger 1979
M Belanger 1969
Deborah L. Benoit 2004
Susan Benson 1986
Manuel Bento 1990
William Berardi 2015
Carole Berube 1998
Russell Birkett 1982
L Blair 1976
Amy Blanchette 2016
T Bochenek 1974
Susan Boissoneault 1988
Judith Bolandz 2014
Helen Marie Booth 1987
L Borden 1969
Susan Borges 1998
Nancy Borges 1986
R Boscoe 1969
Jayme Botelho 2023
Janice (Janet) Botelho 2022
S Botelho 1973
Mary Bouchard (Botelho) 1985
Ted Boudria 1999
Jennifer Boulay 2008
S Boulay 1969
D Bozzi 1973
Kathleen Braga 2021
K Branquinho 2018
Michael Braz 1979
C Breault 2016
Cynthia Brenner 2009
Rylan Brenner 1992
C Brock  
M Brown 1970
Emily Brown 2022
Holly Brown-Ayers 2006
A Brum 2014
Tamra Bryant 2011
A Burbank 1969
Kathleen Burns 2012
Joyce Burns 2003
Hope Burns 1998
Raymond Butts 1986
John Cabral 1980
J Sr. Cabral 2012
Gloria Cabral 2009
Jessie Calderon 2004
Sally Cameron 2004
Kenneth Candeias 1994
Michele Carbonaro 2008
John Caressimo 1998
Jeffrey Carey 1995
Robert SC Caron 2001
Douglas Carrier 2002
Joanne Carroll-Connor 2015
Christianne Carvalho 1994
Joyce Casey 1980
B Castaldi 1969
Santita Castellano 2010
Stephanie Chapman 2007
Lynne Choquet-Turner 2001
F Clift 1973
Pamela Colaneri 2012
N Collins 2012
R Collins 2012
Patricia Condon 2001
Carol Constantine 1992
J Constantine 1971
Naomi Cordell 2009
Noemi Cordero 1998
Ed Correia 2000
Shelly Costa 2023
Karen Costa 2008
Jose Costa 2005
Robert Costa 1992
Regina Costa-Pirtle 1990
S Cote 1975
N Cote 1971
Merle Coughlin 1987
E Coulombe 1971
R Cousineau 1969
B Crompton 1969
C Cruz 1969
Maurice Cyr 2013
Emile Cyr 1980
Honorato DaCosta 1997
William DaPonte 2000
George Darmody 2007
Donna Davis 2020
Yuri DeAraujo 2010
Robert DeMoura 2000
Patricia Dent 2017
Joseph DeSa 2009
A Desmarais 1973
L Desrosiers 1969
Denise DiMarzio 2010
Karen Dixon 2004
Lawrence Drayton 2000
B Dube 2014
P Duffy 1970
Stephen Duhancik 1976
Johanna Duponte 2009
P Dzialho 1970
Deborah Dziedzic 2020
L Elias 1969
Charly El-Khoury 2003
Shawn Elliott 1991
Tessie Farias 2001
Eileen Farley 1985
Bernice Fastoso 1996
D Feeney 1975
A Felisberto 1969
Renee M. Fernandes 2005
Sherri-Anne Fernandes 1995
Becky Ferraz 2020
Madeleine Ferraz 1989
Rose Ferro 2016
Gloribett Figueroa 2004
M Fitton(Caron) 1969
P Fletcher 1969
Maria Flores 1999
Patricia Foley 2000
Diane Forand 2008
Andrea Fortier 2023
Shelly Fortin 1995
Pauline Francouer 1982
W Fraze 1974
Joseph Frias 2011
R Furness 1975
S Gabb 2012
L Gagnon 1975
Howard Galitsky 1996
S Gamache 1970
Carol Garand 2002
Kevin Garganta 2006
Sarah L.D Garrett 2010
J Gatto 1973
Linda Gautie 2021
Michael Geary 2022
A. Arthur Gelenian 1997
G Gibeault 1988
J Gibney 1977
Daniel Gilbarg 1992
Ippokrat Gjati 2006
M Gomes 2013
A Gomes 1977
Joanne Gracia 2010
J. Thomas Grady 2004
Jeanne Grandchamp 1985
R Green 1972
J Gregory 1972
Cynthia Grew 1995
Priscilla Grocer 1996
Cynthia Hahn 2002
Thomas Hallal 1987
Holly Halstead 2008
Ann Halstead 2006
Diane Hamel 2021
Kathleen Hancock 2009
Robin Hart 1996
J Haskin Jr 1969
Kristine Hastreiter 2023
Elizabeth Havrylik 1988
Jesse Hayston 2008
James Healey 1995
F Heywood Jr 1969
Kellie Hiller 2023
Andrew Hinote 2011
E Hipolito 1977
Eric Hoagland 1996
S Hobin 2015
Rachel Holland 1992
G Holochwost 1969
Armand Houde 1981
Paulette Howarth 2011
Shelley Hubble 1987
H Hucheson 1969
J.P. Hudnall 1969
Michael Hull 2010
Sharon Humphrey 1996
Ruth Hurley 1986
Ann Ibara 2001
M Isherwood 1969
M Isidor 1972
Cynthia Janson 2005
Christina Janzekovich 2008
Dorothy Janzekovich 2006
F Javed 2016
Paul Jefferson 2016
Julie Jodoin-Krauzyk 2022
E Johnson 1975
Deborah Jones 1983
Patricia Kampmier 1987
Claire Keene 1986
Heidi Keezer 1996
Elizabeth Kemper French 2019
E Kennedy 2012
Marissa Key 2007
Scott Keyes 1994
S Khan 2015
R Kirby 2017
Jane Kitchen 2014
D Knapman 1977
Ryoko Kokuba 2010
R Koohy 1971
Maury Kusinitz 1984
Lynn Labao 1991
R Lackey 1969
Christina LaCroix 2020
L Lafrance 1972
C Laperriere 1969
Thomas Larkin 1985
H.M. Lasko 2012
R LavertueSr. 1973
Lisa Lavoie 2022
T Lawrence 1974
Kathryn Lawton 2023
Debra Lawton 1988
C Le 2015
C Lebeau 1972
P Ledoux 1976
Allana Leeman 1989
P Leite 1977
S Lempke 1974
C Leonard 2011
Gerald Lepage 1993
M.C. Lima III 1969
Daureen Lingley-Chor 2008
R Lister 1994
Michael Lombard 1993
Lori Lopez 1999
Arthur Lothrop 1986
R Lucas 1970
Kathleen Lund 2007
Sandra Lygren 2009
G MacDonald 2013
F Machado 1978
M Machado 1970
Douglas MacLean 1997
G Magnan 1970
John Majkut 2004
D Manson 2011
G Maravelas 1972
Amy Marden 2017
Ellen Marshall 2005
M Marshall 1974
A Martel 2014
Omama Marzuq 2007
Patricia Massey 1998
Nelson Matos 1999
R Matteson 1969
Robert Mattingly 1979
Jessica Mayhew 2020
W McCaffrey 1972
Susan McCourt 2007
Edgar McGarvey 1979
Diana McGee 1990
Barry Mckee 1988
Paul McMahon 1981
Diane McMullen 2009
Kara Medeiros 1994
A Medeiros 1971
Carol Mello 2003
Lisa Mello 1984
Cathleen (Katie) Mello 2021
Makna Men 2021
B.A. Metz 1969
Kenneth Michaud 1994
Russell Milham 1986
Marisa Millard 2009
J Miller 1972
S Miska 1975
Rozette Mistikawy 2005
Christina Mixon 1992
Dawn Monast 1983
E Moore 1969
Sarah Morrell 2000
Caitlin Morris 1986
Janice Motta 1979
J.F. Motta 1970
L Mulready 2012
Joseph Murphy 1982
Meg Murphy 1996
John Paul Nadeau 2015
Dawn Nardi 1998
J Needham 1978
T Nelson 1969
Basem Neseim 2002
D Neubauer 1976
T Nicolet 1970
F Noble 1977
Sandra Nunes 2000
H O’Brien 1971
D O’Donnell 1972
Patricia Ollila 1987
Ellen Olmstead 1998
Victoria Orlando 1995
Marie Rose Ouellette 2004
R Ouellette 1970
David Owen 2000
Steve Ozug 1992
Matthew Pacheco 2002
R Paine 1969
H Parent-Wetmore 2012
C Patten 1971
Sandy Pavao-Pinaretta 2010
Kiartichai Payongsith 2008
A.M. Peck 1978
Jo-Ann Pelletier 2006
James Pelletier 1969
Gabriel Pereira 1985
Laureen Perez 1997
Sharon Pero 2016
Karen Peterson 1999
M Pettine 2011
Laurie Pieroni 2021
Debra Pirtle 1983
Nina Pitts 2007
Marlene Pollack 1998
Cynthia Poore-Pariseau 2013
Nicole Proulx 2007
Chrystal Puniello 2023
G Pursley 1973
E Putvyte 1972
R Quintin 1976
Robert Rak 2013
Manuel Raposa 1990
S Raposo 2003
Suzanne Raposo 2002
N Rebeiro 1973
Todd Recene 2010
June Reedy 2001
Steven Rego 2003
Robert Rezendes 2013
Cheryl Ricardo 2000
Sheryl Riccitelli 1986
A Rice 2012
Donald Roberts 1987
R Robinson 1973
D Robinson 1971
L Rocha 1969
D Roderiques 2017
J Roderiques 1969
Kim Rodrigues 2009
A Rodrigues 1974
E Roemhild 2017
Katelin Rogers 2008
Denise Rogers 1988
T Romanovitch 1971
L Rosa 2012
A Roy 1970
Jules Ryckebusch 1986
M Ryckebusch 1974
Karen Sanchez 1986
Ralph Sanford 2000
J Sayde 2014
John Sbrega 2007
Karl Schnapp 2013
H Schupack 1975
P Scott 1969
Gerald Sears 1994
P Seifert 2014
L Sequeira 1970
Joe Serpa 1995
R Servant 1969
Deborah Shannon 1992
Eileen Shea 2002
Toby (lois) Shea 1993
Edward Sheehy 1986
Kathy Sheffield 1991
George Shepherd 1981
Ruth Sherman 1991
R Sherman 1970
J Siegel 1971
Michael Silva 2007
Diane Silveria 2001
C Silvia 1972
Philip Sisson 1997
T Smith 2012
Edward Smith 2003
Robert SC Soares 1998
R Sobel 1969
A Sohles 1974
Cindy Souza 2008
Maureen Sowa 1996
A Spencer 1974
Suzanne St. Amour 2013
Debra St. George 2019
R St. Pierre 1977
Denise St.Onge 1989
Shawn Stevens 1986
M Stiller 1973
D Sullivan 1969
E Sweeney 1970
Mary Swidey 2004
Maureen Sylvia 2005
C Taber 1978
Edward Terceiro 1985
D Tessier 1975
S Thadeio 1969
S Thakur 2017
Casey Thomas 2005
Edith Thomas 1982
Jeffrey Thomas Griffin 2011
S Tilton 2011
Howard Tinberg 2001
Shawn Tivnan 2020
John Tormey 2002
Kathy Torpey-Garganta 2008
C Trepanier 2015
A Trzcinski 1969
Henry Vaillancourt 2006
E Valente 1974
John Vanhook 1995
H Varnet 1973
Dolores Vaz 1996
C Velozo 2013
P Vermette 2018
Colleen Vickery 2004
K Vieira 2013
Michael Vieira 2002
E Vieira 1986
David Vito 1998
R Walker 1972
D Warr 1977
Janice Warren 1993
Ronald Weisberger 1993
Christine Westmoreland 1992
Anne Whitney-Roper 1990
S Wilbur 1971
M Wiles 1983
Jennie Williams 2000
Tisha Williams 2007
Eric Wilson 1985
H.J. Wilson 1969
Virginia Winstanley 1994
Nancy Lee Wood 2001
Robyn Worthington 2001
Lisa Wright 2010
Fran Wurtz 1983
Diana Yarchin 1980
D Yard 1977
Diana Yohe 2007
Mary Zahm 2001

Silver Shield Award

The Silver Shield is awarded to individual members of the college community who made significant contributions to the college during each academic year. A call for nominations for this award will be announced each year during the Spring semester.

Bristol Bayhawk Victor

The Bristol Bayhawk Victor is a monthly collaborative employee recognition program developed and implemented by the Staff Senate and the Faculty and Professional Staff Senate. The Senates will work with Human Resources to recognize all the hard work, innovation and dedication of our Bristol Employees.

Go to the Bristol Bayhawk Victor page for more info and to nominate your fellow Bayhawks!

Annual Employee Recognition & Awards Ceremony

An employee recognition event is held annually to honor all full-time and part-time faculty and staff for their “service milestones” in length of service to the college (in 5-year intervals). Faculty and staff that have retired during the academic year are also recognized for their many contributions to the college.

Several awards are also presented at this annual event. Please see below for more information on these prestigious awards.

Click here to read more about this year's award recipients. 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Performance Recognition Program

Commonwealth employees or teams of state employees may be nominated for the Performance Recognition Program for exemplary work performance for awards in three categories: Commonwealth Citation for Outstanding Performance, Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Public Service Award, and the Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Service.

For more information, visit the Performance Recognition Program page at

Please be advised that Web pages and links for outside organizations are not maintained by Bristol Community College, and the College assumes no responsibility as to their content or accuracy.