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Graphic with a magnifying glass. The graphic reads "Get curious. Be part of Bristol curiosity. Lead with curiosity. Measure impact. Find success."

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Discovery Day – The Art of Impact

Face to Face: Thursday, November 7, 2024


Registration & Meal Inquiry Form (Due October 28)

Previous years agendas:

Inquire with, Academic Innovation and Professional Development.


Discovery Day is an opportunity to partner & collaborate with colleagues to create, engage, and support processes that allow you to pursue exciting and effective practices and pedagogy. The day provides workshops to support work in building thriving communities for deep learning and student success.

What Will I Gain from Participating?

When reviewing the Fall 2023 evaluations:

  • 98% indicated that they were engaged.
  • 91% believed the content was relevant to their work.
  • 93% felt the information obtained was useful.
  • 91% indicated that they left accomplishing something important.
  • 95% indicated they plan to apply what they had learned.

Discovery Day assists in building a Culture of Curiosity and Inquiry through continuous improvement processes. A culture of evidence occurs when information is regularly collected for making decisions, including the commitment of resources. It requires all members of an educational community and centers around curiosity and inquiry. Continuous improvement initiatives are the most valid way of demonstrating the effectiveness of services, programs, and facilities.

It is evident that many at Bristol are already practicing aspects of continuous improvement in some capacity. This is an opportunity to highlight some of the work you have been doing in terms of developing and measuring student learning outcomes, building curricular maps/rubrics, and creating innovative spaces for learning and competency attainment. Gathering data to build narratives that inform our work is important in building contemporary and inclusive practices. This occurs both within the curriculum and in co-curricular experiences.

Learning Outcomes: 

As a result of attending (2) two workshops:

  • Participants will be able to list (3) three assessment concepts (SLOs, Assessment Steps, Assessment tools, Rubric design) related to their work.
  • Participants will be able to apply (1) one concept towards a current or future assessment initiative (SLOs, curriculum mapping, rubric design, alignment, identify areas of assessment).
  • Participants will be able to develop one (1) actionable step within their area that contributes to building a Culture of Evidence.

Ways To Engage:

Facilitate a Workshop

We welcome those whose work reflects elements of assessment to submit a program idea for review. This is inclusive of the entire community, Academic and Non-Academic areas.

You may also use this time to gather information and/or feedback from peers on a change initiative you are planning. This may include presenting out data that has driven further curiosity related to impact, the steps planned for change initiatives, and a way to measure the impact.  Discussions may occur at any one of these steps.

Due Date: October 28

Submit to Participate!

Customized Academic Affairs, Functional Offices, Operations and Employee Services Time Block

The goal of Assessment Day was for participants to engage, find the time useful, accomplish at least one goal, learn something new, and have a “next steps” plan. At least eighty-eight percent (88%) of participants who engaged in a customized session agreed or strongly agreed with the above-stated goals.

This time block is facilitated by someone who is leading a change initiative / department / area or who may have been assigned to lead a team in an effort to make an impact on the student and/or employee experience. The space is given as an opportunity to brainstorm ideas, review data, gain knowledge of best practices, launch brainstorming sessions, or begin to develop an action plan. It is the opportunity to launch a plan for the remaining semester/year of implementation. The time block will be the same for all customized work and will not interfere with the ability to attend workshops. If you plan to be part of a customized work block, you will not be able to participate in the scoring of artifacts. 

Due Date: October 28

Submit to Participate!

Facilitating Workshops

In addition to the customized block of time in the afternoon, (2) two workshop sessions will occur prior to lunch. Almost all Discovery Day agendas are often facilitated by our very own administration, faculty, and staff. Discovery Day is for Bristol, by Bristol! We know that there are exceptional initiatives occurring that can help inform the Bristol community.  We also know that there are emerging initiatives that could benefit from brainstorming sessions. Furthermore, folks are gathering data in diverse ways and using that data to impact student and employee success. Share what is happening in your area to inspire others and build curiosity!

Due Date: October 28

Submit to Participate!

Facilitation or Participation in the Artifact Collection Scoring

(Dependent on the number of sbumitted artifacts).

GenEd Competency - Global and Historical Awareness

92% of participants indicated that through this process, they had a better understanding of the importance of artifact submission/collection in relation to evidence connected to competency attainment. An impressive 96% of participants indicated they would participate again and 90% of participants learned something from their colleagues as it relates to measuring learning through a rubric.

Join a group of colleagues to review and score assignments for the Ethical Dimensions or Multicultural & Social Perspectives competency. All identifiers are redacted.  If you plan to be part of a scoring session, you will not be able to participate in a department/division customized block of time. For more information on how we approach this process, please take a look at the Institutional Assessment Artifact Collection Process webpage.

Due date: October 10.

Submit to Participate!

Be Trained as a Norming & Scoring Facilitator

All those interested in being a facilitator must engage in a two-part training session. The first part is a pre-recorded session and can be found below. The second part is a virtual synchronous training session with all facilitators.

Part I​

The General Education Competency & Norming/Scoring Process ​
(Pre-Recorded session)​

Part II​

Exercise, Q&A​
Scheduled Training Meeting (Must email Institutional Assessment Office to receive link)

Due date: October 10.

Submit to participate!

Artifact Collection Submission

One way of telling the student learning & student success narrative is by collecting artifacts (course assignments) that directly reflect the General Education competencies. The collection of artifacts across courses/sections & programs offers an inclusive curriculum narrative grounded in evidence describing student learning and demonstrating competency attainment. Learn more here. 

Due date: October 15.

Artifact Collection Process - learn what makes a strong scoreable artifact. Learn how the artifact is redacted, scored, and used.

Student Artifact Collection Form