Health Science

Helen G. Wallbank Carroll Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of Helen G. Wallbank Carroll, this scholarship is intended to provide financial support to a second year student veteran who is pursuing a degree at Bristol Community College in the Nursing or General Studies Heath and Life...
Philip and Evelyn Sacknoff Scholarship
The qualifying student, preferably enrolled in a health science or computer science program must demonstrate financial need and scholastic merit.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul P. Dunn Scholarship
Established in 1996 by Dr. and Mrs. Paul and Donna Dunn, this endowed scholarship is for a student enrolled in a Health related degree program, who demonstrates financial need and possesses a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Argy Scholarship
This endowed scholarship is for student in the either an Engineering, Science, or Health Science Program. The student must be full-time (registered for at least 12 credits), demonstrate financial need and must possess a GPA of 3.0 or higher.