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Wolfson Speaker Series

An Evening with Jeff Corwin

100 Heartbeats: A Global Movement

Emmy Award-winning wildlife conservationist, environmental journalist and host of "Wildlife Nation" and "Extraordinary World"

Thursday, May 1, 6 p.m.
Margaret L. Jackson Arts Center
Bristol Community College Fall River Campus
777 Elsbree Street, Fall River, MA 02720

Free admission. Due to limited seating, registration is required. Reserve your spot today!

Register for an evening with Jeff Corwin

Check Jeff Corwin out on his Instagram.

About the Wolfson Speaker Series

Bristol Community College is proud to present the Wolfson Speaker Series, an annual event that hosts prominent speakers from across the globe to gather and engage our community around significant and relevant issues.

The series is named in honor of Richard Wolfson, a longtime member of the Bristol Community College Foundation Board of Directors and supporter of the College. When an endowed fund established in his honor could no longer serve its original purpose, Mr. Wolfson recommended that an annual event featuring world-renowned speakers be created to provide an enriching opportunity to our community.